Submissions are now closed for the 2022 New American Poetry Prize. The winning manuscript will be published and its author will receive $1500, 25 copies, and promotional support. Manuscripts should be at least 48 pages, but there is no maximum length. All forms and styles of poetry are welcome.
Extended deadline: February 14, 2022.

Photo courtesy University of Arizona Poetry Center
Final judge this year is EDUARDO C. CORRAL, whose debut poetry collection, Slow Lightning (2012), won the Yale Younger Poets Prize, making him the first Latino recipient of the award. His second collection, Guillotine (2020), was praised for his seamless blending of English and Spanish, tender treatment of history, and careful exploration of sexuality, Corral has received numerous honors and awards, including the Discovery/The Nation Award, the J. Howard and Barbara M.J. Wood Prize, a Whiting Writers’ Award, and a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. A CantoMundo Fellow, he has held the Olive B. O’Connor Fellowship in Creative Writing at Colgate University and was the Philip Roth Resident in Creative Writing at Bucknell University. In 2016, he won the Holmes National Poetry Prize from Princeton University. Corral teaches in the MFA program at North Carolina State University in Raleigh and is currently a Hodder Fellow at Princeton University.
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